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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The First National Bird in The World

The First National Bird in The World:-

      On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress of the United States issued the declaration of independence and decided that the new United States must have a special national emblem. On June 20, 1782, the Congress of the United States passed a resolution to regard the unique white headed sea sculpture of North America as the national bird of the United States, and take this bird as the main body of the national emblem pattern. It is the first "national bird" in the world.White headed sea eagles are popular with the American people because of their North American landmarks and vigorous posture. Today, the image of white headed sea eagles can be seen everywhere in the United States.

White headed sea eagles, also known as white headed eagles, bald eagles, American Eagles and American Eagles, are a kind of raptors in North America. Their active areas are usually in open water areas, and their food is mainly fish. However, they also hunt different prey according to different environments. The white headed sea eagle is the national bird of the United States and one of the most important symbols of the United States.

White headed sea eagles prefer to live near the coast, rivers and lakes, because there are many fish in these places, which are very rich food resources for them. Research shows that they prefer rivers with a circumference of more than 11 kilometers, and lakes with an area of more than 10 square kilometers are the most suitable for white headed sea eagles in breeding period. White headed sea eagles are good at flying. They can fly at speeds of 56 to 70 kilometers per hour when gliding and flapping their wings. If they catch fish in flight, they can still fly at speeds of 48 kilometers per hour.

People who have seen the white headed sea sculpture will be attracted by its powerful appearance and vigorous posture. Its body length can reach one meter, its wingspan can exceed two meters, and it weighs 3 to 6 kilograms. Its average life span is about 20 years, but it's not uncommon to live to 40-50 years old. White headed sea eagles have bright yellow eyes, beaks and claws. Adult white headed sea eagles, both male and female, are covered with brown feathers, but the head, neck and tail are white feathers.

Interestingly, the English name of the sea eagle with white head is bald eagle, which is translated as "vulture". This is probably because it is white from the forehead to the neck. At a glance, it will think that it is "bald". In fact, it is only "white head", not "bald head".

Friday, December 13, 2019

The milky way is a Spiral Galaxy

The milky way is a Spiral Galaxy -

After 75 years of research, radio, infrared and even x-ray telescopes have confirmed their existence, and found that the spiral cloud extends 100000 light-years (the diameter of the disk), with a thickness of 1000 light-years (the thickness of the disk). On this gorgeous disk, our tiny solar system lies on the inner edge of an arm, about 25000 light-years from the center.

               Human beings determining the shape of the galaxy is like that a microorganism determines the shape of the earth. We can't get a good location to identify it, because this location must exist outside the galaxy. But looking at it from the outside of the galaxy gives you an overall picture of it.

               In an area free from air pollution, the Milky way can be seen with the naked eye. When enjoying the beautiful scenery, the observer will notice that the twinkling stars are arranged in a narrow strip area through the darkness. There is a fuzzy bulge between this area, which is wider than the ribbon area on both sides. The appearance of such a compressed band of stars shows that we are looking at the side of a disk. The Milky way is a flat disk in which the bulge is the center of the galaxy.

                Also, when we locate stars and measure their velocities, we find that this vector has a rotation component different from that of random motion. This is the characteristic of spiral galaxies. A star like the sun is formed when a huge dense cloud of hydrogen gas gathers under gravity. The remaining hydrogen dust or gas is dispersed by the new star flare. When the cloud interacts with light, it randomly scatters photons and creates light spots near the star. We can locate stars by searching for these spots, which are sun care landmarks. When astronomers located these points, they found that stars were focused on spiraling branches of light protruding from the center. We call these spiral branches "spiral arms" of spiral galaxies.

           We study the properties of other spiral galaxies, such as the dust content, the order of stars and their speed, and compare them with our galaxy. Obviously, these findings are like the appearance of twins, with flat disks, gas friction, color and dust content shared by all spiral galaxies.

"Flower" in The Universe

                    We often see beautiful nebulae in satellite pictures of the universe. So what is a nebula? According to the scientists, a nebula is a kind of gas. It is usually composed of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases, just like the rainbow we see on earth.

Wormhole, Time Travel, Portal, Vortex

               So, some friends are curious, the universe does not exist in a void environment, why are nebulae? In fact, the nebula is not visible alone, and the universe is not without a minor gas, the nebula is through a universe of little gas and dust, slowly building an object that we now together to form a cloud lets see. - Nebula.

The trend of nebula is very large. The nebulae we see with our detectors are usually tens of light years in size, and as the name suggests, they are very low in density, like clouds on our planet, floating in space. The nebula is closely related to stars and, as described above, are clusters of dust and gas.

Universe, Galaxy, Portrait, Double

In fact, the nebula is not only beautiful, large nebulae are often accompanied by the birth of stars, once the size of the nebula, will continue to squeeze together, gradually forming a giant form. Increasing gravity will attract millions of millions of years or more of dust, gases and other substances, which we know are larger in size.

Starry Sky, Sky, Mountain, Long Exposure

                And the beautiful nebulae that we see, most of the planetary nebulae, are due to the fact that the center of the nebulae, or nearby, has glowing stars that reflect and refract light through the nebulae. As early as 1758, nebulae were discovered by a French astronomer, because of its unique characteristics, named nebulae, we also through the characteristics of nebulae glow, the nebulae into luminous gas clouds, dark nebulae, reflection nebulae and emission nebulae.

Galaxy, Space, Milky Way, Celebrities
Stars Milky Way and colorful nebulae decorate the universe so beautifully and also enhance man's determination to explore the universe. When we look at the entire universe, the more mystery we discover, the more mysterious it feels to us, and the more awe we have. In the future, with the development of anthropology and technology, we may get more secrets!


Sunday, November 24, 2019

दुनिया की सबसे पहली N. के Pilot कौन थे ? ( Who was the world's first pilot ? )

दुनिया के सबसे पहले न. के पॉलेट कौन थे ???👇👇👇

अगर आप नहीं  जानते तो आपको बता दे कि दुनिया के सबसे पहले न. के पाइलेट Mr. Wili third man 
जिनकी जन्म  22 नवम्बर, सन्न 1898 में हुवा था !

दुनिया की सबसे पहली N. के Pilot कौन थे ? ( Who was the world's first pilot ? )

अगर आप यह भी नहीं जानते की भारत की सबसे पहली पॉयलेट कौन थे ? तो जान लीजिये भारत के सबसे पहले पॉलेट जहांगीर रतनजी दादाभाई (जेआरडी) टाटा है

नई दिल्लीः 
       ज टाटा ग्रुप के जहांगीर रतनजी दादाभाई (जेआरडी) टाटा का जन्मदिन है। टाटा...यह नाम आज किसी पहचान का मोहताज नहीं है। एक ऐसी कंपनी जिसका दखल नमक से लेकर आई.टी. कंपनी और जगुआर लैंड रोवर जैसी लग्जरी कार तक है। यह कंपनी रातोरात इतनी बड़ी नहीं बनी। इसके पीछे जेआरडी की कड़ी मेहनत का हाथ है। जानिए जेआरडी टाटा से जुड़ी कुछ खास बातें-

1938 में 34 साल की उम्र में ही उन्होंने अपने पिता के कारोबार की कमान संभाल ली। उनकी शानदार लीडरशिप में टाटा ने जिस कारोबारी ऊंचाई को छुआ, उसका अंदाजा आप इस आंकड़े से लगा सकते हैं। 1939 में टाटा की नेटवर्थ 62 करोड़ रुपए थी जो बढ़कर 1990 में 10,000 करोड़ रुपए हो गई। आज टाटा की नेटवर्थ 104 अरब डॉलर है।

देश के पहले लाइसेंसी पायलट

            जेआरडी के पिता रतनजी दादाभाई टाटा पारसी थे। जेआरडी का जन्म 1904 में पेरिस में हुआ था। जेआरडी की परवरिश फ्रेंच मां और पारसी पिता के बीच हुई। उनका शुरुआती जीवन फ्रांस में बीता था। 1914 में हुए प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के दौरान उन्होंने 1 साल तक सिपाही की हैसियत से फ्रांस के लिए युद्ध भी किया। उनका ताल्लुक एक ऊंचे खानदान से था।    

           उनकी मां सुजैन आरडी टाटा कार चलाने वाली भारत की पहली महिला थीं। खुद जेआरडी देश के पहले लाइसेंसी पायलट थे। उन्हें 1929 में लाइसेंस मिला था। जेआरडी को इंडियन सिविल एविएशन का पिता भी कहा जाता है। बहुत कम लोगों को इसकी जानकारी है कि एयर इंडिया की शुरुआत जेआरडी ने ही की थी। फ्रांस में कुछ साल बिताने के बाद वह लंदन चले गए और फिर भारत आ गए। और यहां से एक बिजनेस के तौर पर टाटा का सफर शुरू हुआ।
कंपनी को पहुंचाया ऊंचाईयों तक

अंतिम समय
            जेआरडी की मौत 29 नवंबर 1993 को गुर्दे में संक्रमण के कारण जिनेवा में हुई। उनकी मृत्यु पर भारतीय संसद उनकी स्मृति में स्थगित कर दी गई थी। उनको पेरिस में पेरे लेचसे नामक कब्रिस्तान में दफनाया गया है। कंपनियों में एच.आर. की शुरुआत उन्होंने ही की थी। आज किसी कंपनी में एचआर होना भले ही सामान्य बात है लेकिन उस वक्त यह नौकरी करने वालों के लिए क्रांति थी। जेआरडी चाहते थे कि भारत सबसे खुशहाल देश बने। हालांकि उनका यह सपना तो पूरा नहीं हो पाया लेकिन टाटा एक भरोसेमंद कंपनी जरूर बन चुकी है।

 दुनिया का सबसे बड़ी हवाई दुर्घटना 1977 में हुई थी।  यह  दुर्घटना दो हवाई जहाज़ के टकराने से हुई थी, जिसमे 500 यात्री की दुर्घटना हुई थी।

duniya ki sabse badi hawai durghatna

आपको बता दे की दुनिया की सबसे तेज उड़ने वाली हवाई जहाज़ the concorde airplane ब्रिटिश ऑफ़ फ़्रांस ने मिलकर बनाया था इसकी स्पीड करीबन 2180 km/h है।

duniya ki sabse badi hawai speed of the conconrd

 क्या आपको पता है की, हवाई की टायर में कितने प्रेस्सर का हवा डाला जाता है , कई लोगो का मानना है की लैंडिंग के तुरंत बाद टायर बदल दिया जाता है, लेकिन ऐसा होता कुछ भी जब ज़रूरत पड़ता है तब टायर बदला जाता है।  200 PSI Pressure का एयर भरा जाता है। यदि हवाई 180 km/h के स्पीड  भी लैंडिंग  तो भी टायर में कोई नुकसान नहीं होगा ,

कई लोगो की मनना है की उनकी सैलरी हवाई जहाज़ उड़ने के नहीं देते होंगे पर बात कुछ और ही है।
आपको बता दे की एक पायलेट की सैलरी उसके महीने के हिसाब से नहीं होता बल्कि उनको हवाई जहाज़ के घंटो के हिसाब से दिया जाता है ,

Airbus A380, Aircraft, Airplane, Flight

क्या आपको क्या आपको पता है कि दुनिया की सबसे लंबी हवाई जहाज यात्रा BELUGA AIRBUS A380 यह हवाई जहाज 27 अप्रैल 2005 में बनाया गया था


Sunday, November 10, 2019


समान्य नियम 

ध्यान रहे  कि विभिन्न संक्रियाओं को केवल निम्न क्रमानुसार लेते है

प्रश्न, १      


दिया गया यंजक

प्रश्न, २
          ममता के पास 100 रु तथा 50 रु के कुल 85 नोट है जिनका कुल मूल्य 5000 है, इनमें से 50 रु के नोट कितने हैं ?

      माना 50 रु के नोटो की संख्या = x

      तब,       100 रु के नोटों की संख्या = (85-x)

50x =(8500-5000)=5000



50 रु के नोटों की संख्या = 70           .Ans

Mathematics, Formula, Smartphone

प्रश्न. 3. PDf file download click

De broglie wavelength equation (De-Broglie equation )

De Broglie Wavelength Formula

        In some situations, light behaves like a wave, while in others, it behaves like particles. The particles of light are called photons, and they can be thought of as both waves and particles. Louis de Broglie (1892-1987) developed a formula to relate this dual wave and particle behavior. It can also be applied to other particles, like electrons and protons. The formula relates the wavelength to the momentum of a wave/particle.
For particles with mass (electrons, protons, etc., but not photons), there is another form of the de Broglie wavelength formula. At non-relativistic speeds, the momentum of a particle is equal to its rest mass, m, multiplied by its velocity, v.
The unit of the de Broglie wavelength is meters (m), though it is often very small, and so expressed in nanometers (1 nm = 10(-9) m), or Angstroms  

Classroom, Students, School, Class,  De broglie wavelength equation (De-Broglie equation )
 De broglie wavelength equation (De-Broglie equation )

     In 1924, Louis de-Broglie give the idea that matter should also posses dual nature. According to Louis de-Broglie a moving matter particle is surrounded by a wave whose wavelengths depend upon the mass of the particle and its velocity. These waves associated with the matter particles are known as matter waves or de-Broglie waves. The wavelength of the particle can be find through the following relation - 
where h is the Planck's constant and p is the momentum of particle. The value of Planck's constant is 
 The de-Broglie concept of matter waves was based on the following facts- 
(i) Matter and light, both are forms of energy and each of them can be transformed into the other.
(ii) Both are governed by the space time symmetries of the theory of relativity.

Derive an expression for the de broglie wavelength:-

Considering the Planck's theory of radiation, the energy of the a photon (quantum) is given by


where c is the  velocity of light in vacuum and  is its wavelength. 
According to Einstein energy mass relation 

From equation (1) & (2), we get 


where mc = p (momentum associated with photon).
If we consider the case of a material particle of mass m and moving with a velocity v, then the wavelength associated with this particle is given by 

If E is the kinetic energy of the material particle then 



Substituting the value of p in equation (4), we get  de broglie wavelength,

According to kinetic theory of gases, the average kinetic energy of particle is given by 

where, K=  Boltzmann's constant = 
Putting the value of E in equation (4)

Science, Physics, Mathematics, Graph,  De broglie wavelength equation (De-Broglie equation )