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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

List for thermodynamic system of properties

List of thermodynamic properties ;_ 5)

       1)  Thermodynamics System                 1) थर्मोडायनामिक्स सिस्टम
           2)  Thermodynamics Equilibrium         2) ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी संतुलन  
           3)  Thermodynamics State                     3) ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी राज्य
           4)  Thermodynamics Property               4) ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी संपत्ति 
           5)  Thermodynamics Process                 5) ऊष्मप्रवैगिकी प्रक्रिया                                              
Point Function;_( बिंदु फलन )
           A Point function (also known as state function) is a function whose value depends on the final and initial states of the thermodynamic process, irrespective of the path followed by the process.

Example of point functions are density, enthalpy, internal energy, entropy etc.

            P- presser              दाब 
            V- volume             आयतन 
            T- temperature      ताप 
            S- enthalpy
           U- Internal energy 

Difference between point function and path function ;- 8)

Sr. no.Point FunctionPath Function
1Its values are based on the state of the system (i.e. pressure, volume, temperature etc.)Its values are based on how that particular thermodynamic state is achieved.
2No matter by which process the state is obtained, its values will always remain the same.Different processes to obtain a particular state will give us different values.
3Only initial and final states of the process are sufficientWe need to know exact path followed by the process
4Its values are independent of the path followedIts values are dependent on the path followed
5It is an exact or perfect differentialIt is an inexact or imperfect differential.
6Its cyclic integral is always zeroIts cyclic integral may or may not be zero
7It is property of the systemIt is not the property of the system
8Its examples are density, enthalpy, internal energy, entropy etcIts examples are Heat, work etc.


             Every system has certain characteristics by which its physics condition may be describe, e.g volume, temperature, pressure, etc. Such characteristics are called properties of the system.  These are all microscopy in nature. When all the properties of a system have definite Values, the system is said to exist at a definite state. Properties are the coordinates to describe the state of a system. They are the state variable of the system. Any operation in which one or more of the properties of a system change is called a change of state. The succession of states passed through during a change of state is called the path of the change of state. When the path is completely specified, the change of state is called a processes, e.g. a constant pressure process. 
             A thermodynamic cycle is defined as a series of state change such that the final state is identical which the initial state. 

thermodynamics cycle problems with solutions,
A process and a cycle process 

                Properties may be of two types. Intensive properties are independent of the mass in the system, e.g. pressure, temperature, etc. Extensive properties also increase. Specific extensive properties, i.e. extensive properties per unit mass, are intensive properties, e.g. specific volume, specific energy, etc.


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