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Friday, September 6, 2019

Casting process steps


Define ;-(casting)

          [ In casting, the molten metal is poured into a refractory mould with a cavity of the shape to be made, and allowed to solidify.After solidification, the desired metal object is taken out from the mould. The solidified object is known as casting. Sand moulds are generally used for casting, however, they cannot maintain better tolerances and smooth surface finish. Thus, now-a- 104days metallic moulds are more common.]

[कास्टिंग में, पिघली हुई धातु को एक आग रोक साँचे में डाला जाता है, जिसे आकार की एक गुहा के साथ बनाया जाता है, और जमने दिया जाता है। जमने के बाद, वांछित धातु की वस्तु को साँचे से बाहर निकाल लिया जाता है। जमना वस्तु कास्टिंग के रूप में जाना जाता है। आम तौर पर कास्टिंग के लिए सैंड मोल्ड का उपयोग किया जाता है, हालांकि, वे बेहतर सहनशीलता और चिकनी सतह खत्म नहीं कर सकते हैं। इस प्रकार, अब- a- 104days धातु के सांचे अधिक आम हैं।]

            Various casting processes are as follows- 

(i)        Sand casting 
(ii)       Plaster mould casting
(iii)      Vacuum casting
(iv)      Investment casting
(v)       Slush casting
(vi)      Pressure casting
(vii)     Centrifugal casting
(viii)    Continuous casting
(ix)      Squeeze casting
(x)       Shell mould casting
(xi)      Die casting

Applications of Casting-

(i) Automobile parts such as engine blocks, cylinder blocks, pistons, piston rings, etc
(ii) Machine tool structures, e.g. planar beds.
(iii) Wheels and housings of steam and hydraulic turbines, turbine vanes and aircraft jet engine blades.
(iv) Railway crossings (Mn-steel cast section)
(v) Supercharger casing
(vi) Water supply and sewer pipes
(vii) Sanitary fittings
(ix) Agriculture part
(x) Communication,


      Moulding can be defined as a process of making sound mould of sand by using pattern and cores, so that the metal can be poured into the moulds to produce casting.


         (I) Expendables mould casting -
                       In this type of casting processes, the mould cavity is obtained by consolidating a moulding material around a pattern. The commonly used moulding material for these processes is sand or some other refractory material. Because of the sand moulding the dimensions accuracy and surface finish of the casting are not up to the requirements of modern  Industries.

What are the process of casting?

(II) Permanent Mould Casting;- 
                    In type of casting processes, the mould is not destroyed after the solidification of the casting and can be used repeatedly. These moulds are adaptable to the production of tens and thousands of castings. The products of this process have smooth surface and better dimensional accuracy. Due to the high cost of permanent moulds their use is limited to mass production of small and medium sized parts of light non- ferrous alloys

(iii) Semi-permanent Mould Casting;-
                 In this type of casting processes, moulds are prepared from high refractory materials like graphite These moulds are less durable as compared to permanent moulds and can only be used for few tens of castings.

Properties of sand in construction

(1) Porosity
(2) Flowability
(3) Collapsibility
(4) Adhesiveness
(5) Cohesiveness or Strength
(6) Refractoriness
(7) Chemical Resistivity



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